串カツ 串揚げ 居酒屋 飲み放題 あいよっ!京都駅西店
くしかつ くしあげ いざかや のみほうだい あいよっ きょうとえきにしてん
- Address
- 京都府京都市下京区油小路通木津屋橋下る北不動堂町522番地10
- Access
- [5 minutes walk from JR/Kintetsu/Kyoto Subway Kyoto Station]
- Phone number
- 075-708-7773
- Business hours
- Monday to Sunday, holidays, and days before holidays: 16:00 to 1:00 the next day (Food LO 0:00 the next day, Drink LO 12:00 the next day)
We do not recommend that our staff wear masks.Please be aware of this when entering the store.
- Regular holiday
- None